

A medium Linux box from HackTheBox, exploit a SQLi to get admin creds to phpmyadmin to upload a webshell and get initial access, then exploit command injection in a script with sudo privileges to elevate to a user and use a SUID enabled systemctl from there to get root.

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A medium Windows box from HackTheBox, get initial access by resetting the password of another user on a site with CSRF, then get creds by logging in as them that allow you to get a reverse shell and escalate to administrator by finding creds in an instance of bash for windows.

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A medium Windows box from HackTheBox, get initial access by resetting the password of another user on a site with CSRF, then get creds by logging in as them that allow you to get a reverse shell and escalate to administrator by finding creds in an instance of bash for windows.

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A medium Windows box from HackTheBox, get initial access by resetting the password of another user on a site with CSRF, then get creds by logging in as them that allow you to get a reverse shell and escalate to administrator by finding creds in an instance of bash for windows.

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